Office Cleaning Tips

Keeping a clean office space can do wonders for employee morale. A clean office is a productive, safe, and effective work environment, but sometimes working in a space that contains a lot of people, it can be easy to skip over some daily duties that over time can cause a dirty, distracting environment.

There are a lot of different ways to keep your office space clean, including hiring a professional cleaning service, but keeping it tidy in between big clean days is important too. Here are a few tips to help you keep your commercial office space clean and tidy. 

Have basic cleaning supplies available for all employees. Employees might feel overwhelmed having to go out and purchase their own supplies and might be unsure of what to get to clean the surfaces in the office properly. Having a common area with a simple broom, dustpan, wet mop, a duster, and disinfectant wipes can make a big difference in the cleanliness of the office space.  Make sure employees are aware of the proper procedure if a mess happens, consider creating a basic checklist so everyone is on the same page.

Vacuum or sweeping should be done at least twice a week, even though your cleaning service does this, doing a quick pass-over will do wonders for keeping the air clean and reducing the number of allergens. 

Make sure you are cleaning the high traffic areas in your office space at least once a day. Door handles, phone receivers, keyboards, file cabinet handles, light switches, all of these surfaces are touched by multiple employees multiple times a day, taking a disinfectant wipe and doing a quick pass over a few times a week can help reduce illness and the spread of germs.  

Removing trash daily and restocking shared-use items is important in keeping an office effective and running smoothly. Replacing things like hand sanitizer, toilet tissue, paper towels, and disinfectant wipes keeps employees from wasting time looking for these supplies and it keeps the office looking clean and tidy. Removing trash daily will also reduce the chances of pests finding their way into your office space.

Staying healthy is important. Wash your hands regularly throughout the workday with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap is not available. Cover your mouth when coughing with a tissue or napkin, if there is not any available cough into your hands or crook of your arm and immediately wash your hands after coughing. 

Allow sick employees to go home at the first sign of sickness to prevent spread around the office and immediately clean and disinfect all common areas.  

Hiring a professional cleaning service to take care of most of these tasks for you can help reduce the number of germs and pathogens resting on your office surfaces, and is the most effective, time and money-saving option to keeping your space clean, your employees engaged, and your overall quality of work elevated.

Gregory Blakey